Influence is all around us...good or bad. It is up to us to filter and decide what is right or wrong. It is always easier when you surround yourself with good influences. I am so grateful for the good influences in my life. I have such an incredible group of women that are my good influences. They are amazing examples to me, pillars of strength, strong in the gospel and grounded in life.Satan works so hard on each of us. Trials, discouragement, disappointment, etc... When you feel these, it is Satan hard at work.My life has been full of these lately. It has taken me quite some time to put my thoughts down. Satan is working very hard on me right now. Along with the above mentioned, he has also brought anger, frustration, contention, self-doubt and countless tears.Through it all, I have one constant....."PRAYER." I have found myself in prayer a lot lately. That is where I find peace, comfort, strength and assurance. Prayer is simply amazing!I know I am here to learn, be tried and endure. I am profoundly grateful for the communication that I can have with my Heavenly Father. He knows me better than anyone and therefore can uplift me when life gets extremely difficult.We only get one shot at this life. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. Life is too short and precious to have negative influences surrounding you. At some point the negativity seeps in to your life and others around you. It is a poison that slowly erodes away at everything.
As I endure this trial I know that I am not alone. Prayer will comfort me and bring peace, my numerous good influences will continue to buoy me up and I will make it through this difficult time. There are lessons to be learned and blessings to receive.